因为专业 所以卓越


工作地点:广东省 广州市 


1. 推荐赚钱的职位,在搜索结果中,排在最前面。
2. 推荐赚钱的职位,在首页急聘专区会放上一段时间。

推荐求职者成功入职后,推荐者将拿到60%入职奖金,被推荐的求职者也会拿到 40%入职奖金。

自荐成功入职后,自荐人将获得 100%的入职奖金。

1. 如何推荐赚钱?

2. 推荐求职者入职成功后,如何申请奖金?
求职者入职成功后,拔打新宇网客服热线:0755-85242419 新宇网核实后,会发放奖金。

1. 如何自荐?
2. 自荐入职后,如何申请奖金?
自己入职成功后,拔打新宇网客服热线:0755-85242419 新宇网核实后,会发放奖金。



I. Tasks / activities:
The job holder is employed as a sales manager for the Automotive Business in China. This position makes it necessary to travel extensively. The main tasks of the job holder are the following:
- Customer support
- Acquisition of new customers
- Advising customers about product modifications, new products and services of the company
- Advertising regarding the stated Company Profile and the unique stated Corporate Design
- Operation of sales negotiations including the target to generate contract closings
- Presentations for customers and/or interested parties
- Monitoring of market trends, customer trends and activities of the competitive environment
- Operation of market analysis
- Reporting directly to the sales directors on a regular basis
- Close cooperation with the internal backup service

II. Knowledge / skills required of a sales manager
- Good knowledge of the industry/market and customers
- Good technical and economical knowledge
- Work experience in sales
- Command of all relevant business processes
- Ability and willingness to keep the own knowledge up to date
- Good leading ability and the ability to cooperate
- Fluent in English and another foreign language if needed
- Good communicative skills and the ability to persuade (conciseness)
- Negotiating skills, rhetorical skills (reducing complexity)
- Clear ambition to succeed
- Knowledge of systems and procedures (CIP, FMEA etc.)
- Intercultural competence
- Willingness to travel
招聘职位 招聘人数 工作地区 学历要求 刷新日期 截至日期
汽车漆销售经理(急聘) 2人 广东省 广州市 大专 2024-05-05 2024-06-04
汽车漆技术服务 2人 重庆市 大专 2024-05-05 2024-06-04
Mankiewicz Gebr. & Co. was established more than 100 years ago. We are a leading manufacturer of coatings. Our products are used for industrial, automotive and aviation applications. Based in Germany (Hamburg), we employ more than 1000 people worldwide.

Investments in the areas of research and development as well as modern production facilities are the basis for the strong sales increases we have.

We take pride in realizing \"Coating Concepts of the Future\" and understand that motivated people are key for our success. We strive to recruit high performing, self-motivated employees and offer attractive work conditions in a multinational company and a salary packages to them.
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